Musical Mailbox
Welcome to Musical Mailbox! This is a biweekly WMRE exec-hosted show that is dedicated to emerging artists in the music scene. During this time, we play new music we've gotten sent from artists of various genres!

Community Power Hour - Short & Sweet
A biweekly WMRE exec-hosted radio show where we play song requests we get from the Emory community and beyond! We have a different theme for each show, and this week’s theme is Short & Sweet: your favorite songs that run for less than 2 minutes

Musical Mailbox
Welcome to Musical Mailbox! This is a biweekly WMRE exec-hosted show that is dedicated to emerging artists in the music scene. During this time, we play new music we've gotten sent from artists of various genres!

Community Power Hour - songs with names in the title
A biweekly WMRE exec-hosted radio show where we play song requests we get from the Emory community and beyond! We have a different theme for each show, and this week’s theme is Songs With Names in the Title.

Musical Mailbox
Welcome to Musical Mailbox! This is a biweekly WMRE exec-hosted show that is dedicated to emerging artists in the music scene. During this time, we play new music we've gotten sent from artists of various genres!

Community Power Hour - Love songs
A biweekly WMRE exec-hosted radio show where we play song requests we get from the Emory community and beyond! We have a different theme for each show, and this week’s theme is Love Songs.

Musical Mailbox
Welcome to Musical Mailbox! This is a biweekly WMRE exec-hosted show that is dedicated to emerging artists in the music scene. During this time, we play new music we've gotten sent from artists of various genres!

Pull up to Cox Arts Lab this Wednesday to create buttons and posters to promote your show or just hang out! Also catch the latest zine fresh off the press.

Community Power Hour - Best Songs of 2024
A biweekly WMRE exec-hosted radio show where we play song requests we get from the Emory community and beyond! We have a different theme for each show, and this week’s theme is Best Songs of 2024.

Musical Mailbox
Welcome to Musical Mailbox! This is a biweekly WMRE exec-hosted show that is dedicated to emerging artists in the music scene. During this time, we play new music we've gotten sent from artists of various genres!

November General Body Meeting!
Come join WMRE for our November GBM where we’ll be hosting a mixtape workshop! Make sure to bring a laptop and we’ll also be providing food!
Community Power Hour - Favorite Cover Songs
A biweekly WMRE exec-hosted radio show where we play song requests we get from the Emory community and beyond! We have a different theme for each show, and this week’s theme is Favorite Cover Songs.

Halloween Bash
Come join WMRE as we have some Halloween fun! There’ll be a costume contest, pumpkin painting, and good vibes! Fill out the form below and let us know what you’re planning to be!

College Radio Day
Join us for College Radio Day at McDonough Plaza - a celebration of all that makes college radio special! Come meet our DJs, enjoy live shows and win free merch and concert tickets!

September General Body Meeting
WMRE’s first GBM of the school year! Come join us to hear about club updates, upcoming events, and vote for what you think the song of the summer is!

Do You Remember? Fest
WMRE is back! Join us on the freshman quad on September 21st for good music, people, and karaoke! There’ll also be tie dying and screen-printing so stop by and say hi!

Club Fair!!!!
Come to the club fair on McDonough Field on Thursday, September 5th at 8pm to ask your radio-related questions and get some merch to show your friends and family how cool you are.

DJ Apps Open!!!!
Apply for a show in the Fall 2024 semester here! Additional details about application process can be found in the form. Reach out on Insta, Slack, or Gmail for any questions!

Tiny Couch: Michael Dehn and Penelope Road
WMRE presents Tiny Couch, a concert live-streamed from our very own studio! Tune in to www.wmre.live at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 30 to hear Emory's own Michael Dehn and Penelope Road perform.

Ishmael’s Scavenger Hunt
Get ready for WMRE's first scavenger hunt!! Compete in teams or solo to win prizes and maybe even some tickets to WMRE's first Tiny Couch… Come to White Hall 206 on Thursday, March 28 at 5 p.m.!