Crocodiles - 'Crimes of Passion'

By Alex Jalandra

CrocodilesCrocodilesCrimes of PassionFrench Kiss

If Crimes of Passion could be described in a single word, the choice would undeniably be "vibrant." Whether or not you're a noise pop enthusiast, it's clear that this catchy album is full of lighthearted, genuine energy.Its catchiness is far from the bubblegum pop variety, however. Crocodiles manage to back their infectious charm with satisfying substance; the album’s strong melodic guitar choruses and clever hooks consistently draw in the listener throughout its 34 minutes.Despite a lingering sense of a repetitive feel, Crimes of Passion manages to maintain a healthy enough level of variation to remain interesting and engaging. From the fuzzy saxophone interludes of "Heavy Metal Clouds" to the beautiful ballad "She Splits Me Up," the album does not fail to deliver dependable enjoyment.


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