Paper Lights: Great Escapes


 by Alisha UppalStrikingly fresh, the independent outfit that is Paper Lights possess the ability to simultaneously amaze and calm listeners with their unique sound. The Atlanta-based band mixes together the softness of indie music, the backing of alternative, and the composition of electronic dance music. The new album, Great Escapes, exemplifies their unique sound with a wonderful combination of tracks.At the beginning of this year, lead singer Dan Snyder and his band mates began to wield their magic, and low and behold, two months later they are prepared to release their first full-length Great Escapes to the world. This shows not only their immense dedication, but also their passion for the music.[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="150" iframe="true" /] The band has created a sound that for others, takes entire career to achieve. The essence lies in a perfect blend of electrifying production and aesthetic vocals. With songs like “Everything Takes Time”, an upbeat and exquisite track, to “This Mountain Is My Chapel” an earthly and wondrous composition, the album deserves acclaim. “Were A Lot Like Trees” highlights Snyder’s exceptional music skills, specifically his vocal abilities, whereas “Bozeman, MT” represents his excellent compositional talents.With Great Escapes, Paper Lights have proved themselves to be a well-versed and talented band, that is definitely worth checking out. Image courtesy of Paper Light's Soundcloud page 


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