Whirr - 'Around'

By Alex Jalandra


Whirr's latest EP succeeds in capturing the essence of traditional, melancholic shoegaze, but Around’s excessive homogeneity leaves a little something to be desired.With the exception of the coarse transition from the slow, wistful opener "Drain" to the (rather out of place) energetic intro of "Swoon," the seamless progression of the songs does an excellent job at immersing the listener in a depressive wall of sound.This is the virtue of Around's repetitive nature — its steady flow allows listeners to melt into its gloomy soundscape and bask in the melancholy for nearly half an hour.However, Whirr seems to be playing it a little too safe with their strict adherence to the structural formula of a classical shoegaze song (albeit a tried-and-true formula). With that being said, Around provides a consistently beautiful and haunting atmosphere — the kind that’s perfect for laying in bed late at night and reflecting on life.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2tuOvHYT8Y


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