King Khan & the Shrines - 'Idle No More'
By Robert Weisblatt
King Khan & the ShrinesIdle No MoreMerge
King Khan and the Shrines have been around for well over a decade, but they’ve never really gotten the credit that they deserve. The band’s unique blend of funk, alternative rock and big band never seemed to catch on, and the band became overshadowed by King Khan’s other projects.Now, with their eighth studio album (and the first in five years), King Khan and the Shrines have made yet another attempt to pro-mote the musical niche they’ve gladly filled.Idle No More doesn’t introduce anything too new for the Shrines. The album’s style is more geared towards alternative rock, likely as an attempt to leech off of the success of King Khan’s other ventures.Regardless of its lack of innovation, the album still has its strong points. The music is tremendous fun, like all King Khan and the Shrines albums, and great to dance to. If you’re already a fan of any King Khan projects, this new album will likely impress.But if you were expecting this band to do something new, sadly, they still haven’t.